
Hello, Shahrukh Here!

About Me

I am a people person. I love meeting new people and learning about their lives and their backgrounds. I can almost always find common ground with strangers, and I like making people feel comfortable in my Presence. 

I am ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for myself, So I have something to strive towards.

I am always for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness.

I love to travel around the world and wanted to cover Road trips after every three months with a golden rule to enjoy and spend the rest of my life with cars and my passion.

What I Do?

Our long term Vision is to represent Business/Talent to our Community Page for those who wanna Showcase their talent and grow In front of Large Community.

For Product review, Tips or Car Projects you can Connect to our Official YouTube Channel “Get Install”

“Do It Your-Self”

We as being from New Era, We customize/Modified the Cars to look it best among all. These Customization Contains all the accessories of cars Such as “Steering”, ” Car interior “, “Engine modified”, “Car bumper diffuser” etc.

We Can Customize everything which make your Car your identity and represents Uniqueness.

We make “DIY” ( Do It Yourself ) and Approach people for good stuff at affordable price to make your life more Convenient.


To be a Company that inspires and Fulfills your Curiosity


Stop waiting for it to come from someone else. Give it to yourself in a measure equal to what you are entitled to receive.

"Make Believe in doing it by yourself and enjoy life with your passion."
Founder, Get Install
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